Thursday, October 18, 2012

Reflections Contest

Lilly entered the Reflections contest when she was is Kindergarten and we haven't seen or heard anything about it since, until this year.
Maybe I should clarify.  She won a few awards in the contest she entered in Kindergarten.
The last 2 years though we haven't heard anything about the Reflections contest.
This year Lilly came home and said she saw posters in the school about the Reflections Contest so we went to the office and got an application and more info.
The theme was "The Magic of A Moment"
I did my best to try and explain to Lilly what this meant, and this is the painting she came up with and submitted.

She said "it's magic that the cats can see their faces in the clouds"
We'll find out in about a month how she did!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Watercolor Wednesday

Look at me!  Two Watercolor Wednesdays in a row.  Let's hope it sticks again!
Both of these paintings are Oriental inspired.
My Grandma lived in Japan for 2 years while her husband was stationed there in the Air Force and she loved all things Japanese and especially their Watercolor techniques.
Before she passed away she gave me a few lessons on the subject.
I am quite pleased with how they turned out.

You can view my other Watercolors HERE.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Astronauts Lost in Space

My family (sisters and families and Mom and I) have decided to get to together on sunday's and make movies.  The first week we will film the movie and then my husband will edit and put it together during the week and then the following Sunday we will get to together and watch it and make it a movie night.
The movie I am showing today was the one we watched last night.
I got the idea from a (true i might add) story my husband told me about an astronaut who almost floated away from the hub in space and I got to thinking about freaky it would be to have that happen and not grab hold of a pole at the last minute and just be floating around in space alone until your air runs out.
That is the story line for this movie.


We won't have another movie until December 10th.  We are doing something special.
December 10th is my Dad's birthday and we have an awesome idea inspired by my daughter's "invention" for the movie!!!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Finally Stained the Fence or Finally Blogged about it!!!!

 About a year and a half ago, we put up this section of the fence.  You are supposed to wait a year before painting or staining so that the wood can acclimate to the weather or something.  
I finally got around to doing it, about a month ago. 
 I also stained the fence post.
Pretty snazzy!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

School Carnival

For some odd reason (maybe for money) Lilly's school had a Fall Carnival.  That or maybe I've just never paid any attention and they have always had one???
Anyways here are a couple cute pictures Jarrett took with his phone.

Aren't these two so cute??
I hope they always stay good friends.
You'd never know they are 3 years apart.
One of these days real soon Max is going to pass Lilly up in height.

Jarrett has a knack for catching the kids with awesome faces.
When I take photos of them on something they should be excited about, they look like they are having the worst time of their life.

Lilly "Ooooooo, I just found a ticket."

My children are monkeys.  
They have been since they could walk
at 8 months....if that tells you anything.
I see all these kids struggling to climb these things and my kids are up and down the other side and through the thing a second or third time before some kids have made it up once.
Maybe they will be in the circus.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Little Blue Jacket

Made this cute blue on blue jacket for Lilly  and it's awesome,except that it's a huge failure.
For one, it doesn't zip all the way to the top, the fabric stretched and now the zipper is too short.
That would be fine.  I could live with that.
This fabric is super thin and I didn't want a heavy metal zipper on it so I bought a lighter weight zipper. Problem is, it's made for a skirt or dress.
So it doesn't unzip all the way.
Learned my lesson though!  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday Cleanse

So I started out the day by running.  I'm training for the THE ZOMBIE CHASE.   It's a 5K.  I hate running.  With a passion.  But running through a haunted house/obstacle course might just be worth it.  I'm up to running 2 and a quarter miles.  I'm almost there!
Then we went to Costco and Target and picked up a few things we would need over the weekend and then headed home for lunch, mowing the lawn and cleaning up the yard.
The lawn got mowed and we had every intention of separating bulbs and pulling weeds, but a quick trip into the garage to grab another garbage sack quickly side tracked me.
We ended up completely cleaning out the garage, getting rid of 4 large Rubbermaids full of little kid clothes and finally setting up the teeter totter that goes along with the swing set we bought 6 years ago.
Lilly was an only child and 2 years old when we bought the swing set and we've just never put it together.  Today was the day!!!! The kids played on it for 2 hours straight and then another hour after dinner.
I love just knowing that the garage is cleaned up enough to pull our car into now.  It felt so good to get rid of all that stuff!!  We donated it to D.I.  so hopefully some children somewhere can use those 4 large Rubbermaids of clothes.
One thing living in a small house has taught me is to constantly get rid of the stuff we don't need or use.    I'm amazed at the amount of crap I accumulated when we lived in much larger places.  Although there are times when I feel our house is much too small, It is enough and we are grateful we have it!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Picture Day

Today was picture day at Lilly's school.  
We got photos of both kids taken this year at the school.
I always like to get a photo at home first though.

8 years

5 years