Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Watercolor Wednesday Week 7

Having a rough time this go around.  Painting and sewing for that matter have felt more like a chore than something fun and something I LOVE to do.  I don't want that to be the case.  I think I'm just burned out on it.  I've been so gung-ho about it since starting this blog 2 years ago and I just feel run down.  I've really started dreading it. So I took a couple weeks off and honestly I didn't miss it.  Not.  One.  Bit.
Yesterday I was sitting outside watching the garden grow and listening to my kids playing when I suddenly felt like drawing.  I was looking at the peas in the garden and thought those would be fun to draw.  So I grabbed some paper and a pen and started sketching and when the sketch was done, I looked at it and thought, this needs some color.  So I grabbed a small set of watercolors and painted away.
Excuse the horribly warped paper

After I finished the peas I though "that was pretty fun and different" so I ripped off the "garden peas" picture and started sketching and throwing paint on the next piece of  paper.  As someone who paints primarily from photographs, It's fun to paint from the imagination.  I think I'm going to do it more often.  I was inspired from our trip to ZIONS and all the beautiful rock formations.
I used india ink, pen, salt and spray webbing (and watercolors of course)
View my other work HERE.


  1. Absolut gorgeous! I love this both..exspecially the peas!

    happy PPF!

  2. Both fab pieces...i get the whole run is tiring keeping up with all you need to in blogland...i am now more than likely doing.g art when i teach my kids it...much less

  3. Beautiful peas! I can just see them growing on the vine.

    Please don't get discouraged, you are very talented and your mojo WILL return!

    Happy PPF


  4. Wonderful! Fresh peas for dinner soon, it looks like - yummy!

    Two great watercolours!

  5. Good for you for taking action on the spur of the moment. Lovely pieces. Happy PPF

  6. They are both wonderful ~ you paint so well ~~thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Oh, your paintings are wonderful! I paint mostly from pictures but every once in a while I use my imagination. :) I just noticed you live in Orem, I'm in West Jordan. So nice to meet a fellow Utahan. Happy PPF!

  8. Sounds like you found your painting muse again- the peas have such a great sense of freedom in the tendrils! Happy PPF!

  9. That's how the muse works....unexpected piece of love sweeps you up into a creative frenzy!! I love it....I have felt the same as you! I forced myself to post on my blog.. I am up to once or twice a week! But now the ideas are flooding in and it feels so good....I hope this is a wonderful new beginning for you too!! Love the peas and how you manifested the cracks in the rock with ink!! All the best to you!!

    Happy creating!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. These are so beautiful! I love your soft style. Happy PPF!

  11. Well, I for one am glad you came back to it. Your peas are wonderful lines of ink that sparkle with summer growth and fun.
    The mountains are quite wonderful too.
    I have also had dry spells and in fact have really halted my sewn textile art quilts which was MY ART for the past 4 and half years. Then I discovered drawing.
    Now that's a daily passion and practice, but there are days I say I can't do it again...and a day goes by and I do it again. So just accept the down days and know the ability is still in there, the spirit rises again eventually. Sometimes just being with your kids might be your art passion of the day! HPPF

  12. I know exactly how you feel. Some days the idea of picking up a brush is almost too much to bear.
    I'm glad you're back though, and these two paintings are just as inspiring to me as your others.

  13. Love both! Especially ZIONS...
    Gardening and nature always inspire and restore me, too. :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  14. Love the Sweet Peas! So graceful! Your work is always so inspiring!! Happy PPF!

  15. Oh I really like both of these, I think the first one even more because of the softness of the strokes. And I understand about needing a break. I haven't yet felt burnt out on my own art blog but I know the feeling of needing to get some distance from something and you really do appreciate it more when you come back to it.

  16. sometimes a break is needed...blogging and arting is meant to be a joy but yet there are your sketches!
    cheers, dana

  17. just amazing as always, I love your style,

  18. LOve, love love these!!! I miss seeing really great water colors.

  19. I love the garden pas... I think you captured them growing perfectly...xx

  20. we all get burned out especially as moms - it's ok to put the pens and paper down and regroup! I am glad you did, because i love your work.
    have a great week

  21. I love the looseness of these :)

