Thursday, November 28, 2013

Camping With Amelia

 Over Labor Day weekend we went camping with Amelia.  We went up in the Uintah's and it was beautiful!!!  And free!

Inside mine, Jarrett's and Lilly's

Inside Max and Amelia's tent

The kids caught a frog and named him Tootsie and we brought him home.  He escaped a week later and we have not found him. 
We did find out that he was a Western Chorus Frog that has a distinct croak that sounds like someone running their finger along a fine tooth comb.  We never once heard him croak.
Three weeks after he disappeared we heard a quite loud sound that sounded exactly like the one described as how a Western Chorus Frog sounds.  We heard it somewhere in the vicinity of our rosebush.  Which is just outside our front door which is the room he was in.  Also the frogs eat bugs and that rosebush always has tons of bugs.  Aphids and such.  I'm sure it was him.
We have never found a body and we have never heard that noise before now.

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