I have had clear contact paper for YEARS! I bought some about 12 years ago, so that I could '"laminate" things. On Friday of this week, I came upon the realization that with clear contact paper, I could draw on it with a permanent marker, cut it out and stick it on the wall! So for like an hour, I drew, cut and stuck contact paper everywhere. It was really fun! I was mostly just playing around with it, and most of it won't stay, but it looks really cool because it looks like you've drawn on the wall! (Or cupboard) The next step is to do something BIG, and with different colored sharpie pens! The nice thing about it is that it peels off SO easy!
Line drawing of Lilly and Max |
A little bit better picture, without the glare. |
I really stuck it everywhere! This is in the bathroom. |
A broom on a random wall |
I really like how the "Japanese painting" style one turned out. |
Fun idea!