Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Things I Didn't love about today

Today was not so great.  So instead of listing the things that went right today, I'm writing the things I didn't like about today.  Much more fun to do when angry.

1- Dentist Bill

2- Fugitive running and hiding in our backyard.

3- Getting made fun of at Hobby Lobby.  By a worker.  (They do make rubber cement erasers and yes you can erase rubber cement.  My use for it was to erase masking fluid.  That you must use in Watercolor to keep an area white.)  I'll be shopping online from now for my painting needs.

4- All kinds of annoyances on the road while driving.

5- Paper cut at Costco.  By an angry employee who ripped my receipt out of my hand.

6- Finding out that the company who the Dental office went through for us to make payments to pay our bill through, doesn't accept Credit card payments.  So we can't use our Health Savings Account card.

7-Lilly getting a Big Fat Lip at her 4H club.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about your day! And I agree with you on how posting things you don't like when you're angry is more fun ;) I hope your day today is going much better.
