Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Last Week of Summer Day 3: Taking it easy!

There's been a whole lot of this going on today:
And this too:

See what she's looking at?  Her Body Book.  The page about Broken Bones and how they heal.  It's starting to sink in for her, just how long 6 weeks is.  We'll have to make a paper chain or something to count down the days.

Here she is looking longingly at Max playing in the sandbox and trying to swing still.

That's enough feeling sorry for ourselves.  Lilly got this Easy Bake thing (Which isn't connected to the Easy Bake Oven that Santa thought was.........)  Doesn't it look like it is?  This one just bakes in your regular microwave oven.  We decided today was a good day to finally try it out!
The kids made some chocolate chip cookies and were delighted with them!

 Don't you just love the "fake" smiles!  They were like "okay Mom no more pictures!"


  1. Poor Lilly! If it makes you feel any better, I broke my wrist once and my mom didn't take me to the doctor for like a day and a half! I was famous for being dramatic about that kind of stuff. Of course I still bring that up to my mom! :)

  2. She is VERY VERY dramatic, which is why I didn't take her immediately.
