Saturday, March 3, 2012

I Love When I do Something Smart!

Like this!  I've had my thread (that I thought I had a lot of) jumbled up in a small little basket.  I've thought about getting one of those wooden thread holders but didn't want an extra "thing" sitting on the craft table and I'm not ready to hang stuff up on the walls yet, because I'm not sure where I want stuff. (ie: shelfs and such)  I was sitting at my sewing machine, and across the table is a view of this rubbermaid tower with pull out drawers.  I was looking at the little ledge there on the side, when a lightbulb lit up in my mind!  It fits my thread PERFECTLY!  Wish I had thought of this like 2 years ago.  Seeing all my thread out like this and it doesn't appear that I have as much as I thought I did. Ha ha!  That's a good thing though.

1 comment:

  1. i love those moments too!
    Thank you so much fr popping by and leaving us feedback with the questions!
    and Ginny will be covering the dark circle issue, I think we are all curious!:)
    Beautiful family you have too!
