Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Sketches Week 11

This is Lilly laying on a blanket sketched with a live model and the one of Max was done from a photo.  He looks like an old man to me.  I think it's the sketchy lines.  Or the hair.  Who know, maybe if I had more time.


  1. Holy cats! These are amazing. These sketches look so realistic but yet...have your own style put in them. You are very good at proportions too...something I mildly fail at.

  2. Great sketches, I make my kids model for me too!

  3. Great job! I don't think the boy looks like an old man. Maybe if the neck was lighter, it would look a bit different.

  4. P.S. I forgot to say that I just LOVE the watercolor at the top of your blog!!!!

  5. these turned out GREAT! - excellent, indeed. i love the first one of lilly!

  6. nice shading. they both looked suprise and animated. I think live models are difficult to draw from because they don't stay still long.

    have a lovely day.

  7. I wish my son would pose for me. Love the one of Lily. I think Max looks older because of the hair line. I put my hand over the top of his head and he suddently looked younger.
