Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Watercolor Wednesday Week 19

I recently found a link party (blog) that does Paint Party Friday and I linked my last weeks watercolors up and was so surprised at all the comments and nice words. ( Like 25!!!)  Thanks to all who commented and made me feel accepted and good about my art work.   

I had my mom in mind when I did this one.  I hope she can tell where it is.  She and my Dad spent their honeymoon here.  (Maroon Lake and Maroon Bells Peaks, Colorado)
I am  pretty happy with my work this week.  I can tell I've improved over the last (almost) 5 months.  I'm getting more comfortable with the paint again and I am thinking of doing a full sheet here soon.
View weeks 1-19 HERE.


  1. This pine is wonderful! Love the landscapes too. If this is five months of progress, I am impressed.

  2. These are excellent pieces. Happy to meet you. Very soft looking. Happy PPF!

  3. well. watercolors are a challenge for me, to say the LEast.
    Yours are pretty freakin cool. I think my problem is that i cannot think that fast - okay, my hands cannot coordinate that quickly with my brain...
    so my watercolors look like paint time in kindergarten. you watercolors look... cool and well done.
    rock on, watercolor landscape princess :)

  4. Awesome paintings! I would so love to try watercolor but could never imagine to be this good at it. :) Love it!

  5. Love your watercolor landscape. I have a hard time trying to "control" my watercolor work hence dare not give landscape my try. Looking at yours maybe I should ... well done! :)

  6. you are wonderfully talented with watercolours. these landscapes are amazing-mind tend to look like big blobs of muddy colour but yours are so crisp i can nearly feel the cool mountain breeze!

  7. Beautiful paintings, am still struggling with watercolours. Thank you for sharing. Happy PPF, Annette x

  8. I'm very jealous - would love to paint watercolour landscapes like these. Love the wishy washy pines in the background of the first one.

  9. I think this is captured so well love the mountains I feel cold now. You really have to be loose with WC and I really think you get it. wonderful landscapes


  10. I love your tree. Watercolor is hard to handle and sometimes it gets out of line...but that is the fun of it. It is spontaneous and moves! It is by far, my favorite medium.
    You are doing great!

  11. Wow, what a feast for the ideas! Welcome to the party!!

    I love the honeymoon lake painting...and I'm sure your mom will not only recognize it, she will ADORE it!!

  12. Precioso¡¡Working with a way tanlimpia acuerela is very difficult. Good for you. Saludos

  13. Gorgeous!! Both pieces are fabulous! I love the softness and how you do your wonderful trees. And oh those mountains!

  14. These are very well done. Both of the pieces are really beautiful....I love colorado! happy ppf!

  15. I love that tree!!! The perspective is wonderful.
    You are so fluid and fresh with your painting!

  16. I also prefer to paint in watercolor and have been painting longer but am not nearly as accomplished as you. Your tree is gorgeous and I still haven't figured out how to get those smooshes in the background to look like distant trees like yours do. Practice I guess. Beautiful landscape!

  17. Wow - I just can't say enough how impressed I am with your use of watercolor! I love the looseness... Beautiful!


  18. Whoa! These are incredible. I love how you did the background effect in the first piece. You are amazing with watercolor! LOVE these!

  19. woweeee! I must have missed you last week..but am glad to have found you today! What amazing watercolours you paint! Simply beautiful! I particulalrly LOVE the trees you paint, like a gentle echo of their presence. Sublime :)

  20. These paintings remind me of the summers we used to spend up at a beautiful little cabin in the woods when we were kids. :)

  21. Beautiful! Really great job with these!

  22. I love those snow covered mountains! You make wonderful landscapes. Have a great weekend!

  23. Really beautiful landscapes, your trees are fantastic. Watercolors are fun to work with and you seem to have a real talent for them.

  24. These are both beautiful! I find landscapes very difficult. I'd be thrilled if I could turn out ones like these.

  25. Beautiful landscapes!
    Happy PPF!

  26. your watercolors are awesome! i wish i could control watercolors like that! the light in the sky looks like it is streaming down to earth!! happy PPF!

  27. Wonderful watercolors! HAPPY PPF!

  28. These are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I wish my watercolors came out this way. I still don't have it down with the white parts. You are very talented! I love PPF, this is FUN!!!!Deb

  29. your art is absolutely beautiful!!! cheers

  30. These are both gorgeous! So light and fresh! I tend to get a bit heavy handed with my watercolors.
    I switched to Mixed Media recently, and when I tried to go back to watercolor for some quick projects, I just couldn't wrap my head around what I needed to do....I felt like I had forgotten how to use them...haha!

    I love your style...and subject! Trees and forests are my most favorite place to escape :)
